Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Best Way To Fix Your Mobile Water Damage On Your Own

Have you dropped your phone in water? You must be thinking to go for a Water Damage Repair but that could be expensive if you are earning very low. So what is the best way to fix your mobile that has obtained damage from water? It is very simple. Just read on:

To perform a water damage repair on your own, you will need these:
  1. Paper Towel (to dry up the phone)
  2. Rice Packet (250g would be fine)
  3. A Box (to place your phone in)
You will need the above items in order to perform the repair by yourself. A box will be needed so that you can put your phone inside it and cover up the box with rice. Why rice?
Rice is known to absorb moisture or water very quickly. It is the best way to drain out all the water from the phone where your hands cannot reach or may damage the phone if reached.
The Process
First off, you will need to take out the battery, phone case and any other item that can be removed from the phone by hand. Once that is done, you take the paper towel and remove any excessive water that is on and inside the phone (where you can reach).
After that, you place the phone only, in the box and fill that box with rice. Close the box and place it in a sunny or warm place (do not place it in oven or microwave). You will have to wait for at least 3 days to give the rice, a proper time to absorb all the water from the phone.
After the time, you can take out the phone, place the battery in and you will see that the phone is working seamless again. However; if that does not work for you then I suggest you check out Saffones that deals in repairs such as these and also offers Mobile Accessories to prevent it from happening too so check them out.

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